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I was just thinking over the weekend, “Gosh it’s been a long time since I posted anything in my blog.” So today I logged in and discovered it sure has been a long time. It’s been almost a year since my last post. Did something tragic happen to me? Did I go through some kind of life changing experience? Did I develop amnesia or have to go into the witness protection program? No to all of the above. I just stopped writing for no apparent reason whatsoever. Now seems like as good a time as any to give it another shot. The impetus being that I am now returning to my Regency Wardrobe project in anticipation of more opportunities to wear my creations.

I have already had a couple of instances to get dressed up. You might recognize this dress from my last blog post. I did find an underdress for it which happens to be the other dress in my last blog post for which I was lamenting the lack of an overdress. Can’t believe it took me so long to put the two of them together. I made the hat in one night and wore the ensemble to tea with my fellow Jane Austen Society of North America – Iowa Region members.

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This hat was really simple to make and came out really cute. There are lots of patterns and instructions for these online, but really it’s just a matter of making a band that fits your head, cutting out a large circle (mine was 23″ in diameter), and attaching the two pieces together. Of course there are a couple of other steps in there, but I made this one by hand in just one evening.


The other opportunity for costuming that presenting itself was in September of 2014 when our JASNA group hosted a screening of the 2005 “Pride and Prejudice” at a local theater.


This was one of the first dresses I purchased for my project. Since this photo was taken I have removed the zipper from the dress and sewn on buttons. I now need to put in button holes and do some work on the sleeves.

Since my last post I have also acquired some other new gowns which I will save for future correspondence as I have done exactly nothing with them. I also have a plan for another hat in the works. The JASNA – Iowa Region will be attending an Emma-themed tea in September and we will be attending the JASNA AGM in Louisville in October, then tea again in December for Jane Austen’s birthday, so plenty of opportunities coming to get dressed up for. Ugh, I better get to work.